Thursday, February 17, 2005

Why do we expect so much from our politicians?

I know when the Liberal leader (either one will do but I will stick to Provincial for this example) made his promises to govern Ontario he would not be able to follow through, Dalton might have thought he could have, but the realists all knew that to do the things he promised it would take money and one of his promises was to not raise taxes so anyone who can do math knows you can’t provide more service without more money. I am guessing that whoever did vote for him was probably hoping he wasn’t as bad as the other guy. I can live with that because most of his promises fit the Liberal mold “free money for little or no work.“

Similarly when Ralph Kline won in Alberta people were surprised. Why the shock, in his years in office he has at least attempted to do as he committed (succeeding frequently) or to give the left wing swing on it “economic reform at the cost to social programs.“

The USA recently held elections; again people were surprised by the result. Did they vote for his policies hell no, they voted for him because he was what he said he was a right wing, religious, capitalist who is waging a war on terror in other peoples countries. His opponent Kerry was a war hero that was anti-military and spouting liberal policy mixed with conservative rhetoric. He lost because he confused people not because George W Bush was better.

My theory is that people no longer vote for the best man. They vote for the least worst and hope like hell they don’t do any damage while they are in office.

What I have discovered is when a politician does not follow the party that they were elected in or act in a way that defaces the country they should be “Let Go”. They are hired / Elected to represent their constituents not exercise their personal Ideals. If they want to run on their ideals then run as an independent or better yet start a party that supports those ideals when you have a party then you stop being a nut-job and are well on your way to being a minority.

It’s great to see the Green party out there picking up where the Rhino’s dropped the ball. Exercising their civil right to run is one thing, do I think they should run the country probably not if we want to keep trade routes open with the rest of the world but they are showing that there is an interest in ecology and other parties took note and altered course.

I remember when a Conservative was a moralist, capitalist, a Liberal was a socialist, tree hugger and the NDP were just owned by the unions, and the FLQ was a terrorist’s organization and everyone wanted Quebec not to separate.

Ah those were the days. Now the Liberals are making social cuts, Conservatives are proposing tax cuts and the NDP have pissed off the unions the FLQ terrorists have formed a Quebec federal party and now there is talk of other parts of Canada talking about separation.
Come on honorable member either rename your party to suit the platform so we know what we are voting for or we have to stop expecting so much from you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, when are you running for the Green Party?

10:57 AM  

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