Thursday, February 24, 2005

Clean up in aisle 3 and for some reason a slam on smokers

Clean up in aisle 3 is not something I want to yell when I go to use the company washrooms.

Today I went for my mid morning think, document in hand (because I wouldn't want it to be considered an official break ) when I arrive at the first stall I notice that the seat was covered in urine and the log was still floating... I at least have the decency to do what the previous person could not and flushed. As for cleaning up their urine I am leaving that to their mother.
My arrival at the second stall was beyond anything I could have expected for NASTY.

Not only was the seat covered in urine so was the floor; a puddle that was almost as big as two 8 by 11 sheets of paper. My first thought was how small is your penis that you can't grasp it enough to aim and how absolutely disgusting is this person’s home.
My second thought was they probably didn't wash their hands either. New rule no shaking hands...

I have these words of advice to these kindergarten rejects; "if you make a mess, you are responsible for your mess so clean it up." and if your penis is that small use the urinal; they are made for people who want to stand and take a leak.

I am willing to bet these are the same people who litter not even 5 feet from a garbage can, or throw cigarette buts from cars into the road. I know I have heard the argument a million times "but it's so tiny and biodegradable." Maybe if you’re smoking without a filter asshole, otherwise the filter is made by

"The comprising a thermoplastic polypropylene resin, a volatile blowing agent and a nucleating agent is extruded through a die to produce a strand of foamed resin with the strand then being cut into individual filter elements A particularly effective combination is the use of calcium carbonate as the primary nucleating agent and potassium benzoate as the synergist compound." Just look up the patent.

You should also take into account that’s before you suck all that tar and arsenic through the filter. So for all of those people too weak willed to stop sucking on your oral fixation, please try to understand that the wildlife does not want to eat this and it will last a lot longer than you think in the wild.

So while your penis may be small it is not biodegradable so clean up after yourself or some one might take your toy away and make you go for a timeout.
Urban Druid


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok....that's just gross.... ;)

Wow - you know usually, what goes on behind the bathroom doors are treated as like...."do not touch with a ten foot pole" topics....

Otherwise - nice post.

(btw - it's Chrissie)

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

geez, i am glad i am on the second floor, (well ok, maybe not)

love the social commentary, raw and unflushed!

4:57 PM  

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