Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's meeting time

How many times you have been trapped in a room, with coworkers, one of them (usually the most senior) droning on about some pointless item or other. The minutes becoming hours, the hours become days until your forced to either pay attention or begin doodling.

What are the people such as me (the doodlingly challenged) supposed to do with this time. They tricked you didn’t they, “They” called it a meeting and you being the sucker you are attended. If it really was a meeting several things would have happened that just never came to be.
It would have had an agenda with objectives
The agenda would have been provided more that 24 hours in advance
There would be a start time that was adhered to
Everyone required would be in attendance at the start and be available in full attention (no cells, or other interruptions) until the end of the meeting.
People not needed don’t have to attend.
There would be a Chair, minute taker, and a time keeper (3 different people) usually not participants as they already have jobs to do.
The chair would ensure that everyone received an even opportunity to speak, stopping sidebars and interruptions.
The minutes would be published to all the people impacted by the decisions made in the meeting.
All action items would be followed up by the chair ensuring closure.

Now that would be a meeting what you are trapped in is a disorganized cluster fuck. I attended a cluster fuck a couple of years ago and I kid you not 15 minutes into when the “meeting” was to start the person who called the meeting arrives and says “I was having a smoke and someone was walking a dog, I had a dog once…” and proceeded tell us all about his childhood pet for a whopping 12 minutes, he then noticed that we didn’t have donuts and made the first action item that someone e-mail him the day before our next little gathering so he can get some. By the time the meeting was half over we discovered we needed another meeting because we all had other GATHERINGS to be late for.
What is it with living in meetings, during the 40 hours that we were hired to work?



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