Thursday, March 16, 2006

Athletic Supporters

Ok I know it’s been a while, but I need to point out an injustice. For the last month I have been hearing all about the Olympics, from what athletes ate in the morning to the brand of gin they threw up the night after. We had 10 minutes of Canada’s medal counts on the radio ever hour and then it all stopped.

I am not as big a sports buff as some of my friends, but I always appreciate the effort, courage and determination that the Para-Olympians provide and the pride with which they represent the country.

I had to look on a web site of another country to find out that Canada’s Para-Olympians had won several medals and the current rank. Throughout the day while listening to our national radio station (you know who you are) I heard virtually nothing. Come on Canada, let’s get behind these people, give our support and show them we appreciate the efforts they are making.


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