Saturday, April 23, 2005

My last rant on government waste for at least…. a week…

Dear Liberal Party leader
Please understand that I don’t think you are stuffing your pockets with my tax dollars (anymore).

As I look around and watch you give our tax dollars to the rich (Bombardier), children who don’t pay taxes (subsidised daycare) and everyone else who is not Canadian (waiving of loans through the United Nations.)

You can’t be getting any money for yourself because we are shutting down health facilities in place of home care which is not getting any additional funding; our military is walking in old boots and flying old helicopters. All the military has are promises of help to come in the next 3 to 5 years. Sure hope the U.S. doesn’t figure out that we have oil, uranium and clean drinking water before that because we will be invaded next and Paul, just ask Sadam, about how hard they looked for those weapons of mass destruction. But I digress.

All I am asking is can you please prioritize, if your going to throw money away on something like the gun registry change it up and make it the homeless registry, so as soon as shelters come available we know where to find them.

Instead of waiving the loans to our sister countries, do what I do with my family members, I give them an interest free loan, but only if I get free food rights to their fridge, and in your case we get free mineral rights to the land. That way we can rape and pillage their land and still meet some of our Kyoto commitments, but only some.

Maybe if a country doesn’t have any real land value we call it a bad loan investment; but still demand that until they pay up, they have to make boots for our military and once we got all the boots we need start making some tents as we are still using the same crap from the 70’s. After all it was probably our peace keepers that defended their soil in the first place.

Instead of subsidised daycare, give those tax dollars back to the working public so they can afford their own daycare, and those of us who don’t have to pay for daycare luck out and get our taxes reduced from 48% to 47%. You would probably hear a cheer from Bay Street on that day. Better yet, flat tax us 20% no matter what a person earns. There are no exemptions as everyone would pay the same rate based on income, there would be fewer taxation workers, simpler audits, and happier tax payers. All I am asking is; Think about it?

Lastly, stop giving money to the big companies, if you really need to spend our money on stuff like that, to make yourself feel better, then start a program for entrepreneurs, and sink the same amount of cash into it. From this we might get fresh ideas, the little business person gets a chance to start “the next big thing” and who knows, watching all that Star Trek might spark an idea or two.

In closing, people hate paying taxes, but worse than that they hate seeing their hard earned tax dollars pissed away.

The Urban Druid


Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps we can change the title..."a canadian prayer".

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's many reasons why we shouldn't subsidize daycare at all...

3:52 PM  

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