Thursday, March 17, 2005

Is immoral always illegal?

People once tried so hard to separate church and state because dilemmas around morality did not make for good government. I think we can all see why now. So this week we have the government running seminars on where to find the best prostitutes in an effort to legalize it. Personally I think they just want those $120,000 hookers on the government of Canada payroll or at the very least filling the Revenue Canada Vaults.

To some people prostitution is immoral but should it be illegal? If it were made into a legally regulated profession like a restaurant, their clinics must be clean, they themselves must be clean. You could even get into different levels of service with the ones on the street being the equivalent of fast-food. (On second thought let’s not qualify it.)

If our politicians were under half the scrutiny that these hard working people are we would have much more money in our own pockets at tax time. These humans work hard to earn what they do, to be treated like criminals. We tax the hell out of booze, cigarettes and gas to pay for nothing to do with those things. So why not let these people make a living by adding money to the government’s coffers. By making it a profession you can regulate things like age of the workers and health inspections. Also think of the stories these people would have during their conventions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, would the prostitutes qualify for national daycare sevices too?

10:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Qualify, hell with the revenue they would generate they could fund it with the Tax influx

8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I assent to but I think the post should acquire more info then it has.

7:33 PM  

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