Thursday, March 31, 2005

Reducing stress of our education system

I always feel a need to point out the waste of tax dollars, but I am also one to say when the government has attempted to save money.
By forcing businesses to put up signs everywhere where food is served, telling people (particularly staff) to wash their hands when they are done in the washroom.
Now you might say “hey, hold on, how does that save money?” Well, let me tell you. The places we all were taught to wash our hands after doing number 1 or 2 was kindergarten and at home.
Parents telling children to do anything anymore seems to be on the decline as it will cause them to stunt their growth as individuals or out of fear that they will write a book later in life.
Over the years it has been left to the kindergarten teachers to provide valid reasons to be sanitary. Take for example that people are leaving the education system without the ability to do math or write as these are considered too concrete for the liberal society that we all live in. (I actually heard it said once 2+2 can be 5 you just have to think differently.)
My guess is that the Ontario government is making hygiene the next boundary, it seems sharing and manners just got dropped along the way.
So now we will just put signs everywhere saying things like “not to pick their nose because their head will cave in” or “don’t punch people it’s not acceptable” and reduce the kindergarten process to learning colors which will mean that teachers no longer require a degree so we can continue to pay them less.
The fact is that people who know better will wash their hands when they finished doing number 1 or 2. They do this because they do not want to ingest any germs when they eat their burger. While non-hand washers ignore the rules of society, the rest of us get to pick up their health care tab when they land in the hospital with e-coli.
Putting signs up that say wash your hands are the equivalent of telling people please remember to inhale.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

MBA; Mighty Big Abscess

You know the FedEx commercial where the woman says “Oh you’re an MBA” at which time we all decide the guy she’s talking to is an idiot and know not to trust him with anything more than 3 marbles and a deck of cards or someone could get hurt.

I ask this; does anyone know why the MBA programs were developed other than to suck money out of unsuspecting yuppies and show them how to produce more paper than Charmin, Scotties and Cottonel combined in an afternoon? For the follow up bonus question can anyone think of a benefit to the good of human kind?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Is immoral always illegal?

People once tried so hard to separate church and state because dilemmas around morality did not make for good government. I think we can all see why now. So this week we have the government running seminars on where to find the best prostitutes in an effort to legalize it. Personally I think they just want those $120,000 hookers on the government of Canada payroll or at the very least filling the Revenue Canada Vaults.

To some people prostitution is immoral but should it be illegal? If it were made into a legally regulated profession like a restaurant, their clinics must be clean, they themselves must be clean. You could even get into different levels of service with the ones on the street being the equivalent of fast-food. (On second thought let’s not qualify it.)

If our politicians were under half the scrutiny that these hard working people are we would have much more money in our own pockets at tax time. These humans work hard to earn what they do, to be treated like criminals. We tax the hell out of booze, cigarettes and gas to pay for nothing to do with those things. So why not let these people make a living by adding money to the government’s coffers. By making it a profession you can regulate things like age of the workers and health inspections. Also think of the stories these people would have during their conventions.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

When is enough, enough …

Like many of us I get up and go to work (at one time I used to get up and go to school) I spend roughly 8 hours there then go home. Some weeks I have to work late, others I take time off. Basically what I am saying is I am an employed individual. As an employed individual I get the pleasure of paying for stuff I want to have or want to do. So for example at the end of the month if my bank account has an extra $50 in it I might choose to save it for a few months and get something big or blow it all right away. This, of course is after the necessities of life have been paid such as;

  • Mortgage, Rent or Room & Board
  • Food
  • Transportation (So I can get to and from the job)
  • Savings (Got to think about the future)
  • Clothes (Even though society is working toward living naked, you don’t want to see me naked trust me)
  • Insurance (A rant for another time all on it’s own)
  • Taxes (Income, Property, Sales …)
  • Etc…
Only once all of these items are paid off can I spend the last bit on booze and hookers.
Let’s say I have paid this off and have the extra in my pocket and a homeless person asks for some change. I might and quite often do donate to his cause. After all he is out there earning his keep just by being there and asking; that’s how society works. If I am tight for money or owe money, rarely happens but occasionally, then I do not donate to his cause because I have social responsibilities to my creditors and myself.

Our precious government is taking OUR money, knowing full well that most of us are in debt, and giving it away to other countries and large corporations. All the while we look on and go “hmmmm how interesting” or “what nice people we Canadians are”

I ask you; if you gave a homeless person a 5 dollar bill and they said “thanks” then proceeded to light it on fire to ignite their cigarette.
Would you:
A.) think Hmmmm how interesting.
B.) Say “What a nice person I am”
C.) Stomp on his hand to put out the fire then grab what’s left of the $5 and think “I worked for that”.

Well if you picked C you would be wrong because he needs that 5 to light his smoke and he will need another $5 tomorrow and so on.

I can’t even begin to count the number of times in my life that I have heard of countries getting loans they will never pay back or companies getting grants to help them survive. Bombardier in particular seems to strive on the taxpayer’s money to survive in the rough and tumble business world. Is it possible that they have a bad business model or maybe a product that no one wants? Normally in the private sector we call these sorts of things bad business practices. In the Canadian government they call it fuddle duddle, boondoggle or some cutesy assed name to make it sound cute and make us remember we voted these children into office.

As it is the Canadian governments (federal and provincial) piss more and more money away on social programs we can’t afford while our waiting times for essential services increase or have been cut off altogether. For example I would have no issue with subsidized day care for people who live below the poverty line. However, I do have an issue with this being provided to everyone. Having children is a choice and if you can’t afford them then at least accept that they are YOUR responsibility. Don’t make society pay for your bad choices. There are plenty of people who can afford and want to adopt but have to go to places far, far away to get their child (Usually countries Canada gives money to). After all it’s about what’s right for the child isn’t it?
All this to say if you owe money or are using someone else’s money please be responsible; don’t drink and govern.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's meeting time

How many times you have been trapped in a room, with coworkers, one of them (usually the most senior) droning on about some pointless item or other. The minutes becoming hours, the hours become days until your forced to either pay attention or begin doodling.

What are the people such as me (the doodlingly challenged) supposed to do with this time. They tricked you didn’t they, “They” called it a meeting and you being the sucker you are attended. If it really was a meeting several things would have happened that just never came to be.
It would have had an agenda with objectives
The agenda would have been provided more that 24 hours in advance
There would be a start time that was adhered to
Everyone required would be in attendance at the start and be available in full attention (no cells, or other interruptions) until the end of the meeting.
People not needed don’t have to attend.
There would be a Chair, minute taker, and a time keeper (3 different people) usually not participants as they already have jobs to do.
The chair would ensure that everyone received an even opportunity to speak, stopping sidebars and interruptions.
The minutes would be published to all the people impacted by the decisions made in the meeting.
All action items would be followed up by the chair ensuring closure.

Now that would be a meeting what you are trapped in is a disorganized cluster fuck. I attended a cluster fuck a couple of years ago and I kid you not 15 minutes into when the “meeting” was to start the person who called the meeting arrives and says “I was having a smoke and someone was walking a dog, I had a dog once…” and proceeded tell us all about his childhood pet for a whopping 12 minutes, he then noticed that we didn’t have donuts and made the first action item that someone e-mail him the day before our next little gathering so he can get some. By the time the meeting was half over we discovered we needed another meeting because we all had other GATHERINGS to be late for.
What is it with living in meetings, during the 40 hours that we were hired to work?
