Reducing stress of our education system
I always feel a need to point out the waste of tax dollars, but I am also one to say when the government has attempted to save money.
By forcing businesses to put up signs everywhere where food is served, telling people (particularly staff) to wash their hands when they are done in the washroom.
Now you might say “hey, hold on, how does that save money?” Well, let me tell you. The places we all were taught to wash our hands after doing number 1 or 2 was kindergarten and at home.
Parents telling children to do anything anymore seems to be on the decline as it will cause them to stunt their growth as individuals or out of fear that they will write a book later in life.
Over the years it has been left to the kindergarten teachers to provide valid reasons to be sanitary. Take for example that people are leaving the education system without the ability to do math or write as these are considered too concrete for the liberal society that we all live in. (I actually heard it said once 2+2 can be 5 you just have to think differently.)
My guess is that the Ontario government is making hygiene the next boundary, it seems sharing and manners just got dropped along the way.
So now we will just put signs everywhere saying things like “not to pick their nose because their head will cave in” or “don’t punch people it’s not acceptable” and reduce the kindergarten process to learning colors which will mean that teachers no longer require a degree so we can continue to pay them less.
The fact is that people who know better will wash their hands when they finished doing number 1 or 2. They do this because they do not want to ingest any germs when they eat their burger. While non-hand washers ignore the rules of society, the rest of us get to pick up their health care tab when they land in the hospital with e-coli.
Putting signs up that say wash your hands are the equivalent of telling people please remember to inhale.
By forcing businesses to put up signs everywhere where food is served, telling people (particularly staff) to wash their hands when they are done in the washroom.
Now you might say “hey, hold on, how does that save money?” Well, let me tell you. The places we all were taught to wash our hands after doing number 1 or 2 was kindergarten and at home.
Parents telling children to do anything anymore seems to be on the decline as it will cause them to stunt their growth as individuals or out of fear that they will write a book later in life.
Over the years it has been left to the kindergarten teachers to provide valid reasons to be sanitary. Take for example that people are leaving the education system without the ability to do math or write as these are considered too concrete for the liberal society that we all live in. (I actually heard it said once 2+2 can be 5 you just have to think differently.)
My guess is that the Ontario government is making hygiene the next boundary, it seems sharing and manners just got dropped along the way.
So now we will just put signs everywhere saying things like “not to pick their nose because their head will cave in” or “don’t punch people it’s not acceptable” and reduce the kindergarten process to learning colors which will mean that teachers no longer require a degree so we can continue to pay them less.
The fact is that people who know better will wash their hands when they finished doing number 1 or 2. They do this because they do not want to ingest any germs when they eat their burger. While non-hand washers ignore the rules of society, the rest of us get to pick up their health care tab when they land in the hospital with e-coli.
Putting signs up that say wash your hands are the equivalent of telling people please remember to inhale.